Hi all,

My server had a power outage and one of the virtual machines won't start.

I'm running Solaris Express b112 with VirtualBox 2.2.0 The guest machine is a Windows XP Pro.
Here's a little explanation of the problem:

solaris:~# VBoxHeadless -s xp -v on -p 3390
VirtualBox Headless Interface 2.2.0
(C) 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Listening on port 3390
Error: failed to start machine. Error message: Medium '/ root/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/xp.vmdk' is not accessible. Could not open the hard disk '/root/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/xp.vmdk'. VMDK: inconsistency between grain table and backup grain table in '/ root/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/xp.vmdk' (VERR_VD_VMDK_INVALID_HEADER). VD: error opening image file '/root/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/ xp.vmdk' (VERR_VD_VMDK_INVALID_HEADER)

solaris:~# ls -l .VirtualBox/HardDisks/
total 18758208
-rw-------   1 root     root     8482193408 May  6 21:42 xp.vmdk

solaris:~# VBoxManage showvminfo xp
VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 2.2.0
(C) 2005-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Name:            xp
Guest OS:        Windows XP
UUID:            535ff592-835e-443b-9edd-7073f5a43397
Config file:     /root/.VirtualBox/Machines/xp/xp.xml
Memory size:     254MB
VRAM size:       12MB
Boot menu mode:  message and menu
ACPI:            on
IOAPIC:          on
PAE:             off
Time offset:     0 ms
Hardw. virt.ext: on
Nested Paging:   off
VT-x VPID:       off
State:           powered off (since 2009-05-07T00:12:46.320000000)
Monitor count:   1
3D Acceleration: off
Floppy:          empty
SATA:            disabled
IDE Controller:  PIIX4
Primary master: /root/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/xp.vmdk (UUID: e4014abd-91c5-48ed-8fde-4c5180d9af6f)
DVD:             empty
NIC 1: MAC: 08002772D1E3, Attachment: Bridged Interface 'yukonx1 - Ethernet', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: Am79C973, Reported speed: 0 Mbps
NIC 2:           disabled
NIC 3:           disabled
NIC 4:           disabled
NIC 5:           disabled
NIC 6:           disabled
NIC 7:           disabled
NIC 8:           disabled
UART 1:          disabled
UART 2:          disabled
Audio:           disabled (Driver: Unknown, Controller: Unknown)
Clipboard Mode:  Bidirectional
VRDP:            disabled
USB:             enabled

USB Device Filters:

Index:            0
Active:           yes
Name:             Canon MP530 [0108]
VendorId:         04A9
ProductId:        1712
Revision:         0108
Manufacturer:     Canon
Product:          MP530
Remote:           no
Serial Number:    21A2A0

Shared folders:  <none>


Statistics update:                   disabled

solaris:~# last reboot | head -n1
reboot    system boot                   Thu May  7 02:05

Any ideas on how this problem can be solved?


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