You may get better results using DOSbox and ScummVM for these types of games:

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Raoul Cadei <> wrote:
> Hello,
>        I have a virtual machine with MSDOS6.22 and Wfw 3.11.
> I mainly installed it because old games I like, like the Indiana Jones 3 and
> 4 and various Monkey Island.
> The general performance of the vm is really good: dos is fast and windows
> too. But if I try to play a game (let me say Indiana Jones and the Last
> Crusade), the graphics is really sloooow.
> Is this normal under VirtualBox? I come from VMWare, and I never noticed any
> slowdown of the games.
> Do I miss something?
> Many thanks in advance!
> ---
> Raoul Cadei
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