On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 13:48:47 +0100
"S. Brandt" <sbra...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Stephan von Krawczynski schrieb:
> > On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 11:20:10 +0100
> > "S. Brandt" <sbra...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > 
> >> Frank Mehnert schrieb:
> >>> Stephan,
> >>>
> >>> On Sunday 15 November 2009, Stephan von Krawczynski wrote:
> >>>> today I found out that vbox together with opensuse 11.2 is nothing for
> >>>> unexperienced users. Besides the fact of accepting to use the 11.1 
> >>>> version
> >>>> the modules have to be compiled by "setup". Unfortunately this only works
> >>>> out if you install the kernel-sources _and_ compile them (which may take
> >>>> hours). That is really tough for joe-average-user.
> >>> are you sure that one has to compile the kernel sources? If so
> >>> then this is definitely different from openSUSE 11.1 where it
> >>> was sufficient to install kernel-source and kernel-*-base to get
> >>> the correct dependencies.
> >> Hi!
> >> You don't need to compile the sources, just prepare them correctly.
> >> Especially, you need Module.symvers from the -obj dir.
> >>
> >> cd /usr/src/linux
> >> cp ../linux- .
> >> cp ../linux- .
> >> make oldconfig prepare scripts
> >> (of course, version needs to be adjusted, and x86_64 may be wrong for you).
> >>
> >> Then you should be able to compile kernel modules.
> >> With opensuse 11.0, the symvers were not needed. Since 11.1, it seems
> >> they are.
> > 
> > I talked about joe-average-user. And if you look at your explanation what to
> > do to make the vbox compilation work I kindly ask how I or any other average
> > user should know that. Would you tell the same to an average windows user
> > while installing OpenOffice or something the like?
> > One thing that makes vbox successful is that it's easy to install and use. 
> > But
> > on openSuSE 11.2 it is not, and that's just all I would like to point out.
> > Experienced users always find some way to rome...
> Average user?
> Use the opensuse build service.
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization:/VirtualBox/openSUSE_11.1/
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization:/VirtualBox/openSUSE_11.2/
> Both are currently on 3.0.90 which is 3.1.0 beta(1).

But doesn't that provide an OSE version only?

> Sorry, thought you were trying to go bleeding-edge or such, needing to
> recompile on your own.
> BTW - "average" user doesn't use virtualisation software.

I don't know your surroundings, but I hardly know anybody not using vbox or
vmware for whatever personal reasons - and I won't question these.
> Yours,
> Sebastian

And - for a last word - please remember to make a real world comparison:
Example: "Joe A. User" has a box with a system we call "windoze" for now,
could be anything though. If he needs a better browser, what does he do?
Right, he goes to URL www.mozilla.org and downloads firefox, double clicks it
and it is there. If he needs or wants an update he just clicks the
correspoding menu.
If he wants a word processor, what does he do? He goes to URL
www.openoffice.org and downloads it. One click later it is installed and
works. And if he needs or wants an update he clicks the corresponding menu.
And now do the same thing for vbox and note what OS you need to be able to use
it in such a simple way.
_That_ is the real world, and not "cp ..." or a build service. That simply
does not match up. Sorry to say that.


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