Sorry this is a little late but might be relavent

My "main working" system is a vista 32bit VDI image on a 32Gb memory stick - I 
boot this on whatever host hardware is available to me - Vista64 on AMD, EEE PC Atom 
32bit Ubuntu 9.10 and a Dell Precision Workstation 64bit Ubuntu 9.10 Intel Xeon most 
commonly all running the latest stable Virtualbox.

Whenever I moved away from my original install host (The 64bit vista) the guest 
vista wanted to reactivate itself with a 3 day grace period.

Then I hit on the idea of making the guest's MAC address the same on all the hosts and the guest vista now no longer tries to reactivate itself.
I would guess that while Windows is supposed to only react if several out of 
the 10 monitored items change - the Network interface might be more carefully 
monitored than some other parameters.

What this might amount to is that if you had bridged the guests network 
interface the bridge might have a different Mac address which might then force 
a reactivation of the host windows

Much supposition about Windows behaviour on my part but hope it helps



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