Frank Mehnert wrote:
> On Thursday 04 March 2010, James Brown wrote:
>> My record for the VirtualBox in the '/etc/apt/sources.list' is "deb
>> lenny non-free".
>> What was happened with the VirtualBox repository?
> Nothing changed and if you try to browse the URL you will found out
> that the repository is still there. You might want to try again.
> Kind regards,
> Frank
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I try and try many times and I have the described error.
But when I see those repository directories through my browser I see
them well and have access to their files.
P.S. I have got that deb-package through "wget" and try verify the sign
but I have the next result:
1$ gpg --verify sun_vbox.asc
gpg: verify signatures failed: unexpected data
What could it mean?
P.P.S. md5sums are matched.

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