
I have a real user on my system, which was getting his mail via
APOP ... everything was fine.

When I tried to switch him back to POP, I deleted his entry in the
/etc/apop-secrets. Since then he is not able to fetch his mails
due to an authorization error, although he is able to open a
ftp session.

telnet <hostname> 110
Connected to <hostname>
Escape character is '^]'.
user <username>
pass <plain text password>
-ERR authorization failed
Connection closed by foreign host.

in the logfile I found these two lines:

Sep 21 16:46:34 scc vchkpw[7733]: (real) Failed login with 'akogler'
Sep 21 16:46:34 scc vchkpw[7733]: real: passwords don't match

Any ideas?
ThanX in advance,


Dipl.-Ing. Martin Schichl
SC&C Software, Communication & Consulting GmbH & Co KEG
Grottenhofstr. 3, A-8053 Graz
Tel. +43/(0)316/265-205, Fax +43/(0)316/265-234
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://scc.co.at

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