
I've been running this software for some time and love it.  However, I am
looking to do a little reprogramming.  It is nice to have the
ip-alias-domains stuff work when you're using the same IP address for all
virtual domains, but I would prefer at this point to instead look at the
header of the pop3 request and use that instead of reverse-dnsing that to
get the domain to auth the user.  I've been searching the code to see where
it does the actual reverse-dns, and I haven't had a whole lot of success.
Can anyone tell me where that code is located (which module is it located
in?), it doesn't appear to be in vchkpw.c like I thought it would be.

Tony Publiski
World Wide Net, Inc.
+1 (734) 513-7707 x 2012 

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