We are trying to setup qmail with qmailadmin and vpopmail to allow forwarding of an entire domain (via .qmail-default I would assume) to a single email account which does not exist on our server. We have many domains which we do this for. My original thought was to create a user say info and then setup forwarding for that account to the correct place. However when I set them as the catch-all account in qmail admin it does a delivery directly to the mailbox. Well after finding out this didn't work I tried changing qmailadmin and vpopmail to put email addresses into .qmail-default instead of direct deliveries. However again this poses a problem for the domains that actually have pop accounts on the server. It for some reason totally ignores them and delivers everything to the default account. Which then tries to deliver to itself and is returned back to the sender as having a circular loop. Is there some other way of doing this that I'm missing? If so please explain. Andy