I have a site which I've just installed vpopmail on -- very very cool. 

Now of course I want to move all these "system" users in /etc/passwd
out of the system and into a default virtual domain. I'll need to

* Create vpopmail users for each passwd user
* Deal with the actual crypt() passwd
* Transform mail in /var/mail/username into the vpopmail Maildir format

FreeBSD can use DES or MD5 passwords, and in this case, the existing
server uses MD5. These crypted passwords are in a /etc/master.passwd

The vconvert program exists and tho the Usage doesn't show it, the
code indicates a "-p passwdFile" option which I tried like:

  vconvert -p /etc/master.passwd -c

It seems to have created accounts in both my vpopmail domains. How do
I specify which it should create in?

It seems to have done *something* with the vpopmail password CDB (as
seen in the text-exported version). But I can't auth any longer. It
may be because of the MD5 hashing instead of DES crypt(). Ideas?

It doesn't try and convert existing user mail in /var/spool/username
to a Maildir hierarchy. What tools do you recommend to do this?

Thanks for any leads.

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