The only other way I have found to "Limit" a users posting is to
subscribe them to the deny list.

ezmlm-sub ~lists/newsletter/deny [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This has to be done for each user that you do not want to allow posting

This got really tedious for me though so I just use the moderator
feature and subscribe the users I want to be able to post to be
moderator.  Then disallow posts from all users except moderators.

Also to confuse things a bit more I substitute the default Reply-To
header with a reply-to header that contains email address that I want
"Replies" to the list to go to so that it minimizes the loss of business
due to confused or lazy users not getting the help they need.

If there is another way to do this then that would be great.  I am
interested.  For now I will just stick to the moderated lists.

Joe Modjeski

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthias Henze [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 9:42 AM
To: Ben Beuchler; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: filter, autorespond & a mailinglist question

At 10:31 15.02.01 -0600, Ben Beuchler wrote:
>On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 05:21:57PM +0100, Matthias Henze wrote:
> > and now i need some help with mailinglists. i can get a ml work as
> > should. but what i need is a ml where only selected persons are
allowed to
> > post to (a newsletter e.g.) how can i get this ?
>ezmlm with the idx patch will do that and considerably more.  Plus it
>works beautifully under vpopmail.

well, as said, i know - but what do i have to do to let only selected 
persons post to the list - perhaps, if possible WITHOUT the "moderator" 
feature ?


Matthias Henze                             MH458-RIPE

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