B>Check the list archive.  There was a thread on this a few weeks ago.  The
B>apparent cause was compiler shipped with RH7.0, I believe. 


Actually, I am not running RH7.0. I am running debian 2.2 r2(glibc21+egcs). 
Now I had to kill the processes manually. I have only seen this problem 
once. It has been four days since I killed the processes and the problem has 
not reoccured. I am not running tcpserver with the -p option (reverse dns) 
and the dns's in /etc/resolv.conf are ok (local djb dnscaches). The 
mysterious processes where a total of three, each consuming 33.3%. I am only 
running 10 domains on that box, and using cdb. Some hints, at the moment I 
ran top and saw these crazy processes, they were running under command 
"domainname" which was one of the 10 domains hosted on that box. This is 
also the only domain that has roaming users popping in. All other 9 domains' 
users access their mail through sqwebmail. One of my local dnscache's was 
down a while before I noticed this because of a power surge, if that could 
be related (maybe the user popped in at the moment the dns was down). But 
again, I do not have the -p option to tcpserver in my rc.pop init script. I 
just hope to unveil this mysterious behavior before it burns me a cpu. 


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