It actually works like that. It adds the entries into a vpasswd file
with the same format as /etc/passwd. Then it creates the vpasswd.cdb
file from the vpasswd contents. 

You can tell vadduser to not recompile the vpasswd.cdb file by giving
it the -s option

vadduser -s [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alternativly if you are using the vpopmail library you can set the
global flag 
NoMakeIndex = 1;

This flag is checked in 
int make_vpasswd_cdb(char *domain)

    if ( NoMakeIndex == 1 ) return(0);

Otherwise it continues on to build the .cdb file. 

What might be interesting is to profile the make_vpasswd_cdb code
to see if there is any way to improve it's performance.

Ken Jones

David Crawshaw wrote:
> Then how about restructuring the add controls like TinyDNS (part of DJBDNS).
> It has add-alias and add-host commands to add things to a text file, which
> it checks for validity, and then after that, you can type make to build the
> database. This would make adding groups of users easy without making the
> tools any harder to use.
> David
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: kbo [mailto:kbo]On Behalf Of Ken Jones
> > Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 6:51 AM
> > To: Revina
> > Cc: vpopmail
> > Subject: Re: starting use mysql
> >
> >
> > Revina wrote:
> > >
> > > I've installed vpopmail without mysql. just works fine.
> > > how many users to start using mysql?
> > > TIA
> > >
> > >  --revina--
> >
> > When you reach about 5,000 users in a domain you will
> > start to notice it can take 60 seconds or more to add
> > a new user. This is the time it takes to build the
> > vpasswd.cdb file.
> >
> > Ken Jones
> >

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