Hello people,

I have followed the howto at:
exactally, with the exception that I have installed newer
versions of some of the software where applicable.

Everything is working fine other than pop before smtp.
If I remotley try to send mail to another remote host..
(ie relaying) I get the infamous "553 sorry, that domain isn't
in my list of allowed rcpthosts" error.

I've gone through all the archives here, and one thing I've
noticed thats different, is I do NOT have a ~vpopmail/etc/open.smtp
anything. What exactally creates this file? When is it created?

Like I said, everything is working other than this. I can send mail
to other domains listed in rcpthosts (domains hosted on the box) and
I can receive mail remotely via pop just fine... but when it comes to
sending mail (AFTER I have auth'd via pop, by checking email) it just
wont work.

I've been racking my brain for the past 18 hours or so on this =(, if
anyone could help it would be much appreciated.



P.S. Remember, everything is setup as seen on
My vpopmail directory is actually /vpopmail (I made a seperate
parition for vpopmail, everything has been changed to reflect
this path)

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