Well, this definitely didn't go over as smoothly as I had hoped..and of course, 
no one called to let me know that until I got back into the office. It's just 
so hard to find good help.

Alright, problem 1. All of the users who were under the primary domain account, 
who only required a username (none of that @ or % stuff) cannot authenticate at 
this time. If, however, I add the primary domainname to the users account 
name..all works well. BUT, this is what I've been trying to avoid!! I do not 
want to have to go through and instruct a couple of hundred people on changing 
their authentication information. That would not be fun.

Second problem, I have two people named fred..with different domains..who have 
received each others mail. How the hell does that happen?!?! 

I've spent WAY too much time on this. The old machine worked pretty flawlessly 
from day one, and it's only about a year old (I cannot quote from memory at 
this time as to the versions..but, I know it's not what I was working with 
now). I'm pretty much having the feeling that I should have stuck with the 
versions I had before. I wouldn't have had to go through so much shit with 
wanting to simply setup a new server and port people over from the old one. 
This software definitely isn't made for such a feat.

So, now, anyone have any suggestions on problems 1 and/or 2? Now that I have my 
bitching out of the way, I can safely get back to work.

Any help would be appreciated.


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