On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 08:01:18PM +0200, Tamas Amon wrote:


> I use the vpopmail. One of this users want, if he get a message he
> want to forward to an other othres and leave the message in the post-box
> too.
> The user home for example /var/vpopmail/domains/arttop.hu/funk.
> Could I use the .qmail? If yes, than what i must to write to .qmail, and
> where i must to place it?
> If not, how can i solve this prblem?

I also had that problem
This is the syntax
create this file

it should contain the below

"Note" the file is placed in the directory of the domain.
There may be other ways too, but this works for me.

Sri Lanka.

A saying of the Buddha from http://metta.lk/ 
He who has given up likes and dislikes, who is cooled and is without defilements, who 
has conquered the world, and is strenuous, - him I call a Brahmana. 
Random Dhammapada Verse 418  

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