On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 10:14:22AM -0500, Ken Jones wrote:

> > I'm migrating to MySQL from cdb and I'm just curious if anyone has some
> > good numbers on when it makes sense to use the large v. small site
> > setup?
> > 
> > We are an ISP and have around 6500 accounts in our primary domain.  We
> > also have around 250 additional domains with generally less than 20
> > accounts per domain.  I've been leaning toward small site, but I'm not
> > sure.
> Definitly use the default (small site). the large site option is
> really for people who have only 1 or 2 domains. It saves the database
> space of storeing the domain in each row.

Makes sense.  Thanks!


Ben Beuchler                                           There is no spoon.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                            -- The Matrix

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