At a guess I would say it is because when you attach a file it is converted
to base64 or mime which is 7 bit. So for every 8 bits you only get 7 bits of
data. Therefore an attachment uses much more space than the original file.
Bjorn Nilsen
Manux Solutions Ltd
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shao Ming [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, 6 June 2001 6:57 p.m.
> Subject: attachment size does not tally
> Hi!
> has anyone encounter this before?
> I have send a simple one liner text e-mail to myself -
> attaching a 3,374,573
> bytes file (on windows m/c).
> However, in the qmail log file - it register as 4,559,695 bytes.
> I attributed, initially, that it is due to the fact that they are on
> different file systems... but wonder how can
> the differnece be more than 1MB.
> Or is there any other reasons for the difference in size?
> thanks
> /shaoming