I'm trying to run "./configure --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs"
and I get this error:

checking for perl5... (cached) /usr/bin/perl5
configure: warning: Unable to locate OpenSSL's c_rehash script in the
configure: warning: PATH.  The c_rehash script is included in the OpenSSL
configure: warning: package but may not be installed on your system.  Please
configure: warning: install the c_rehash script from OpenSSL and rerun this
configure: warning: configure script.
configure: error: openssl found but c_rehash was not found.
configure: error: ./configure failed for rootcerts

I thought I had openssl installed, but perhaps I'm simply missing c_rehash.
How would I go about just installing c_rehash?  I read through
www.openssl.org but I couldn't find any reference to c_rehash.



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