Thanks Chris, but I tried the version from 4.10.23, with the same result. 
Nothing seems to be happening at all.

I peeked at the source in vconvert.c.  There is a "#ifdef  FOOB" on the 
very first line.  There dosen't seem to be any reference to this anywhere 
else in the code.  I don't pretend to be a programmer, but do you think 
this may be related to the problem? ;i.e. it is not getting some dependency 
it requires?
Should I just remove the "ifdef" and related "endif" and try and recompile?

Dear Ken, if you have the time, can you please help on this?

thanks in advance.

At 02:34 PM 6/25/01 -0700, chris wrote:
>Just an FYI, the failure of vconvert to report "usage" info when you don't
>supply any arguments after the command has been happening for some time
>(read revs.) now.  I discovered this a while back and thought it was
>indicative of a bigger problem I was seeing, but I now think it's just
>buggy...  Try .23's version of vconvert.  Maybe it's not broken as badly.
>Chris Bunnell
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Syed Faruque Ahmed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 2:06 PM
>Subject: vconvert is not working in 4.10.24
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to install the newer version 4.10.24 over 4.9.10.  But it
> > "vconvert" is not working at all in version 4.10.24.  It doesn't produce
> > anything, not even if it is run without any options (should produce the
> > help menu?).
> >
> > The binary is a lot smaller than in the earlier versions (about 4KB).  I
> > think something gets seriously missed during compiling.  My configure
> > options are;
> >
> > ./configure --enable-prefix=/var/vpopmail --enable-qmaildir=/var/qmail
> > --enable-qmailbindir=/var/qmail/bin
> > --enable-tcprules-prog=/usr/local/bin/tcprules
> > --enable-tcpserver-file=/var/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp --enable-auth-logging=y
> > --enable-logging=y --enable-sqwebmail-pass=n --enable-vpopuser=vpopmail
> > --enable-vpopgroup=vchkpw
> > --enable-sqllibdir=/usr/lib/mysql --enable-libs=/usr/lib --enable-mysql=y
> > --enable-ip-alias-domains=y --enable-passwd=n
> >
> > No errors are obvious, even after "make" and "make install-strip".  Can
> > someone please help?
> >
> > thanks in advance
> > SFQ
> >

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