Thank you, Bill & Ken. Now to figure out how to run smtp as vpopmail...


At 6:04 PM -0500 7/31/01, Ken Jones wrote:
>Bill Shupp wrote:
>>  on 7/31/01 4:54 PM, Kit Halsted at [EMAIL PROTECTED] spake:
>>  > Is anybody using qmail-smtpd-auth
>>  > <> with vpopmail?
>>  >
>>  > There's documentation there for use with vpopmail, but it mentions
>>  > v3.4.11k, which sounds a lot older than the 4.9.8 I'm running. I'm
>>  > curious as to whether anyone is using SMTP-AUTH with a recent
>>  > vpopmail & whether it was hard to set up, as I'm looking at migrating
>>  > a live server to it.
>>  I tried it out a while back.  Here's what I found, to the best of my
>>  recollection:
>>  1. Don't worry about the vpopmail patch, it doesn't work anymore and you
>>  don't need it.
>>  2. You have to run your smtp server as someone that can authenticate with
>>  vpopmail (root or vpopmail)
>>  3. If you use multiple /etc/passwd users with vpopmail for system quotas,
>>  I'm pretty sure you need to run it as root.
>>  Perhaps someone can verify the above, but I think that's what I had to do to
>>  get it running.  Although I never put it in production.
>>  Cheers,
>>  Bill Shupp
>Hey Bill :)
>I can verify that the latest devel works with smtp auth. I tested it
>last week. The only requirement is:
>1) run smtp as either root (if you have non vpopmail mailboxes) or
>    as vpopmail (if all mail accounts are under vpopmail)

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