My vpopmail server is very slow to connect right now. I have 
customers calling the office & bitching & I can see it when I try to 
check my mail. Unfortunately, I'm clueless as to how to troubleshoot 
it, much less fix it. Using ssh to connect to the box works 
instantly. Telnetting to port 110 from my box at home shows where the 
delay is:

yabox# telnet 110
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

#It sits there for ~60 seconds, then proceeds normally.

pass ********
Connection closed by foreign host.

My log tells me nothing; lots of messages went through for local 
(virtual) domains and for remote (secondary MX) domains, some 
messages did not go through for remote domains due to transient 
failures, but nothing to indicate why authentication should take so 
long. Top/ps showed between 1 & 10 instances of tcpserver -H -R 0 
110... running while the problem was going on. I'm stumped here. This 
has happened twice before, but both other times the logs told me that 
a message was rejected for a secondary domain due to size 
restrictions. Even assuming that that was the problem today, I don't 
know what to do about it, since the databytes control file doesn't do 
anything until a message has been written to disk. Can anyone point 
me to better troubleshooting methods or an explanation for what's 


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