On Thu, 2001-09-06 at 10:29, Jens Georg wrote:
> hi,
> right now i am setting up a new qmail&vpopmail&sqwebamil box.
> on inter7.com i found release 5.0 of vpopmail.
> i am going to setup qmail 1.03, sqwebmail 3.00 and vpopmail 4.10.x.
> may i use 5.0 instead 4.10.x of vpopmail in combination with the other
> packages or will this be like playing with fire ? i need a reliable mailbox
> and cannot afford to loose customers. is vpopmail 5.0 reliable ?

5.0pre3, tomorrow it will be 5.0. Is actually the last
4.10 version. There are no known problems. I personally
set it up on a 4 machine cluster with over 300,000 users
and it has been rock solid for 2 months.

I recommend the 5.0 release. 5.0 is going to be the 
recommended version to use with sqwebmail 3.0. Took 
all summer to get there.


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