On Mon, 2001-09-10 at 10:40, Charlie Chrisman wrote:
> I deleted a domain, charliechrisman.com, from my vpopmail configuation
> using vdeldomain charliechrisman.com.  There is no folder in
> /home/vpopmail/domains called charliechrisman.com, nor in the
> vpopmail.vpopmail table in mysql are there any references to
> charliechrisman.com.  When I try to add it back, vadddomain comes back
> and says:
> veronica:/home/vpopmail/bin# ./vadddomain charliechrisman.com
> Please enter password for postmaster: 
> enter password again: 
> Error: Domain already exists
> Also when I try to add charliechrisman.net, which ive never had in
> vpopmail, it says the domain exists.
> Is there somewhere besides in /home/vpopmail/domains and the
> vpopmail.vpopmail table in mysql that vpopmail stores domain names?

yes, in /var/qmail/control
Look at virtualdomains, rcpthosts morercpthosts and locals.
Sometimes running vdeldomain, vadddomain again will fix it.

Ken Jones

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