One solutions is that you put something in the FAQ and INSTALL files for
vpopmail telling people that if they use courier-imap, they should configure
as non-root, and build as root.

The thing is, configure checks if you're root, NOT make. But make is the
only part that actually accesses libvpopmail.a. So run configure as non-root
and it will be happy. Then su to
root and run make, and you shouldn't get any errors (if all goes well).
Personally I think protecting /lib is a good idea for security reasons.

- Brandon Ramirez

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Dean Henrichsmeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: courier wants -lvpopmail

> On Sun, 2001-09-09 at 15:08, Dean Henrichsmeyer wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have vpopmail-5.0pre5 installed. When I go to compile
> > courier-IMAP-1.3.10, it looks for -lvpopmail during compile. I've not
> > seen anything that ld should look at to allow for this. Am I missing
> > something simple?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dean
> >
> >
> I think we are going to get alot of these questions.
> courier-imap wants to be configured as non-root. And for
> security reasons vpopmail 5.0 only lets root access the
> library directory.
> I see two solutions:
> 1) remove the root only access to vpopmail library
> 2) Put in a HIGHLY visiable FAQ for courier-imap configure/make
>    and possibly include a vpopmail section in courier-imap's
>    next release.
> If we do 1) we won't get these couerier-imap questions, but
> security won't be as tight. If we do 2) we will still get
> emails like this.
> I thought changing the permissions on vpopmail/lib directory
> would cause problems, that's why I was against it. But it
> seems security is of higher concern.
> What do you folks think? Should we keep the restricted
> permissions or open them up? 5.0 is going out today, so
> comments are welcome today :)
> Ken Jones

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