Does this mean that...VPOPMAIL LDAP module doesn't work....
If yes then can the person who has suceeded be kind enough to contribute 
a step by step instruction to make it work with OpenLDAP 2.x


Steve Belt wrote:

> I am trying again to setup the LDAP config using the just released 5.0 (on
> Linux 7.2 with the latest version of OpenLDAP). I cannot get past the
> "Error: Unable to chdir to vpopmail/users directory"
> I understand LDAP is difficult to configure; but the greatest difficulty is
> complete instructions. There appears to be more to it than simply modifying
> the vldap.h; you must setup the schema, setup the slapd.conf, and apparently
> more (since I still cannot use LDAP after doing all these things).
> Note: I am logged in as root for all steps below
> I. Setup OpenLDAP
> ---------------------------------
> 1.Created qmailUser.schema (btw - the IANA numbers are valid so feel free to
> use them)
> attributetype (
>         NAME 'qmailGID'
>         DESC 'qmail group id'
>         EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
>         SYNTAX{100}
>         SINGLE-VALUE )
> attributetype (
>         NAME 'qmailUID'
>         DESC 'qmail userid'
>         EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
>         SYNTAX{100}
>         SINGLE-VALUE )
> attributetype (
>         NAME 'qmaildomain'
>         DESC 'qmail Domain'
>         EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
>         SYNTAX{100}
>         SINGLE-VALUE )
> attributetype (
>         NAME 'mailQuota'
>         DESC 'qmail quota'
>         EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
>         SYNTAX{100}
>         SINGLE-VALUE )
> attributetype (
>         NAME 'mailMessageStore'
>         DESC 'qmail Store'
>         EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
>         SYNTAX{100}
>         SINGLE-VALUE )
> objectclass (
>         NAME 'qmailUser'
>         DESC 'qmail local mail recipient'
>         SUP ( top $ person $ organizationalPerson )
>         MAY ( qmailGID $ qmailUID $ qmaildomain $
>                 mailQuota $ mailMessageStore $ name ) )
> 2. Updated slapd.conf to include /path/to/schemas/qmailUser.schema:
> include         /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
> include         /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/qmailUser.schema
> # Define global ACLs to disable default read access.
> # Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory
> # service AND an understanding of referrals.
> #referral       ldap://
> pidfile         /usr/local/var/
> argsfile        /usr/local/var/slapd.args
> # Load dynamic backend modules:
> # modulepath    /usr/local/libexec/openldap
> # moduleload
> # moduleload
> # moduleload
> # moduleload
> #######################################################################
> # ldbm database definitions
> #######################################################################
> database        ldbm
> suffix          "dc=sebscape,dc=com"
> #suffix         "o=My Organization Name,c=US"
> rootdn          "cn=Manager,dc=sebscape,dc=com"
> #rootdn         "cn=Manager,o=My Organization Name,c=US"
> # Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
> # be avoid.  See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
> # Use of strong authentication encouraged.
> rootpw          mypassword
> # The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND
> # should only be accessible by the slapd/tools. Mode 700 recommended.
> directory       /usr/local/var/openldap-ldbm
> # Indices to maintain
> index   objectClass     eq
> 3. restarted slapd service
> II. Configured vpopmail
> ----------------------------
> 1. ./configure --enable-ldap=y --enable-roaming-users=y --> no errors
> reported
> 2. Modify vldap.h (note that I pre-created ou=users, dc=sebscape,dc=com
> while setting up
> openLDAP):
> #undef OLD_VLDAP
> #define VLDAP_SERVER "localhost"
> #define VLDAP_PORT 389
> #define VLDAP_USER "cn=Manager, dc=sebscape, dc=com"
> #define VLDAP_PASSWORD "mypassword"
> #ifdef OLD_VLDAP
>    #define VLDAP_BASEDN "ou=users, dc=sebscape, dc=com"
> #else
>    #define VLDAP_BASEDN "ou=users, dc=sebscape, dc=com"
> #endif
> static char *vldap_attrs[] = {
>   "name",
>   "uid",
>   "qmailGID",
>   "qmailUID",
>   "qmaildomain",
>   "userPassword",
>   "mailQuota",
>   "mailMessageStore",
>   NULL
> };
> #endif
> 3. make ---> no errors reported
> though I notice these warning midway:
> vauth.c: In function `vauth_getpw':
> vauth.c:80: warning: too many arguments for format
> vauth.c: In function `vauth_getall':
> vauth.c:310: warning: too many arguments for format
> vauth.c: In function `vauth_adddomain':
> vauth.c:575: warning: too many arguments for format
> vauth.c: In function `vauth_deldomain':
> vauth.c:620: warning: too many arguments for format
> 4. make install-strip --->no errors reported
> 5. /home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain
> Enter postmaster's password
> enter password again
> Error: Unable to chdir to vpopmail/users directory
> Anyone able to reproduce this? Or better yet, tell me what is causing the
> error?
> TIA,
> Steve B.

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