At 3:51 PM -0400 9/18/01, Brandon Ramirez wrote:
>I'm not positive on this, but it's probably because you're running a binary
>of qmail-smtpd that belongs in one directory in another. My qmail w/
>SMTP-AUTH patch was installed in /var/qmail. Therefore I use
>Try keeping it in a separate directory and using the new version.

Thanks, but I don't think that's it. The original conf-qmail file 
pointed to a work directory rather than /var/qmail, & my original 
qmail-smtpd works fine.

I guess I'm going to leave this as-is for a while; I was relying on 
docs on the web to figure this out & the brain-donor admins at my ISP 
have decided that blocking port 80 is a good thing to do in the face 
of the nimda worm...


>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Kit Halsted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 3:43 PM
>Subject: [Smtpauth] Stupid Question
>>  Hey, maybe I can compound my error by sending this to the wrong list...
>>  Below is a message I sent to the qmail-smtp-auth list. I'm having
>>  trouble setting up smtp-auth with vpopmail & my brain is mush. Any
>>  help would be greatly appreciated, I'd like to get this server and
>>  another one just like it locked down.
>>  Thanks,
>>  -Kit
>>  <----->
>>  Hello, let me introduce myself to this list by looking like an idiot...
>>  I just attempted to install smtp-auth on a running qmail system by
>>  patching the qmail-1.03 source, installing qmail into a new
>>  directory, & copying the patched qmail-smtpd into /var/qmail/bin.
>>  Should work, but it doesn't. I'm sure it's because I'm failing to
>>  grasp something simple, but I've been scatter-brained & distracted
>>  ever since the view out my window changed so abruptly last week.
>>  I'm running OpenBSD 2.9, -stable as 06-23-01, along with qmail 1.03 &
>  > vpopmail 4.9.8. I have no default domain, all domains are virtual.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin

"...qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum"
(...if you would have peace, be prepared for war)
-Flavius Vegetius Renatus

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