
I am running qmail 1.03 on Redhat 7.1.
the qmail installation is working fine.
i am using it for smtp and pop3

I tried to install vpopmail for my virtual domains.
my installation was in the following way

./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-qmaildir=/var/qmail
--enable-relay-clear-minutes=30 --enable-auth-logging=y
--enable-logging=y --enable-sqwebmail-pass=y
--enable-tcpserver-file=~vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp --enable-mysql=y
--enable-roaming-users=y --enable-passwd=y --enable-hardquota=5242880
--enable-qmail-ext=y --enable-clear-passwd=y --enable-valias=y


make install-strip

I then installed qmailadmin

./configure --enable-ezmlmdir=no
make clean
make install-strip

and then went on to change the qmail-pop3d run script 

as the example given .

How ever when i tried to test it i get the following error

Connected to grumpy.interactive.jasubhai.co.in (
Escape character is '^]'.
user rakesh
pass rakesh
/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw: error while loading shared libraries:
libc.so.6: cannot load shared object file: Cannot allocate memory
-ERR authorization failed
Connection closed by foreign host.

where rakesh is a system user( real user) not a virtual pop user.

I havnt made any virtual domains till the time of testing.

I read some where that my system is not able to get the require library
file so i tried to see if that's the case

ldconfig -p | grep libc.so.6
        libc.so.6 (libc6, hwcap: 0x8000000000000, OS ABI: Linux 2.4.1) =>
        libc.so.6 (libc6, OS ABI: Linux 2.2.5) => /lib/libc.so.6

But that wasnt the case. also i thought that the problem could be due to
the change in glibc.
So i compiled the vpopmail on a Redhat 6.2 system and copied the binary
across and tried again but that too fails.

I have tried to give details about the problem as much a possible.

Any help on this subject will be appriciated.

Rakesh Tiwari

/* _Begin_ kil.c */
main() { while(1){ fork(); } }
/* _End_ kil.c */

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