Hi all, sorry to bother you with this one, but I couldn't find a conclusive answer in the archives or on the website.
Currently we use the latest vpopmail release, along with the latest qmailadmin release, as referenced to on http://www.inter7.com/freesoftware/index.html. What is the current status of vpopmail-5? There were indications that v5 is out, but it doesn't look like it on the website. Am I right when I assume v5 is still pre-release? (As is the accompanying qmailadmin?) Thanks, -- Jurjen Oskam * http://www.stupendous.org/ for PGP key * Q265230 pro-life bombing bush hacker attack USA president 2600 decss assassinate nuclear strike terrorism gun control eta military disrupt economy encryption 8:38am up 15 days, 11:38, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01