The vpopmail 5.0 final beta is available from

Things to complete before the 5.0 final:

1) I can not reproduce the reported valias/mysql problem.
I've tested it on two freshly installed machines and
it works. If anyone can recreate the valias/mysql core
dump problem on a fresh install, please let me know.

2) I will add in Vladimir's change to vdelivermail
so it ignores blank lines and lines starting with #
in the .qmail files.

Other than that, it seems to work fine. Three of
the authentication modules were not updated. I
don't need them so I haven't worked on them. They
1) oracle
2) sybase
3) postgress

If anyone wants to get these working and submit them
before 5.0 goes final, please do so. Otherwise they
will be worked on in the 5.1 devel version.

Ken Jones

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