Yup that looks like a dns issue.  Are you able to find the MX records for
the domains you're sending email to?  Can you resolve them at all?  If it's
only happening for a couple domains I wouldn't be too worried about it.  But
if it's happening for *all* then I'd start worrying about your dns server



-----Original Message-----
From: Tells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 1:33 AM
Subject: mail send problems - Please help!!!

I am getting problems with sending mail to some e-mail addresses.
(If I am sednding the same message from another mail server to that
address then everysing works fine)
The message in log file looks:
delivery 50: deferral: CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/

As I understand there is a problem with DNS lookup or I am wrong?

Please advise what I ahve to do to solve this problem.

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