The base M$SQL protocol is Sybase.  So you can actually develop a Sybase
module and the talk natively to the M$SQL server.  You do have to run a
service pack on M$SQL2000 to get it to run Sybase compatibility.  And the
Sybase SDK to build the module isn't the cheapest thing on the planet.
Every project that I have had regarding this type of setup hit the floor
when the money issue came up so I don't have any actual experience in doing

Joe Modjeski

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrea Cerrito" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Vpopmail List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: Info about MicrosoftSQL

> > *grin*  You're expecting not to get flamed?  ;)
> Eh eh eh... :)
> >  Well, to my knowledge no
> > one has written a module like that.  Umm...I suppose if you could
> > possibly write an ODBC module?
> I'll love it!
> > Obviously my knowledge of M$SQL is limited
> > (read: non
> > existant ;)
> Me too....
> > but all you really need is a way of opening a connection and
> > being able to read and write data to the database.
> Yep.
> >  Check the list
> > archives...I think I remember a message about someone on here who
> > wanted to
> > do something similar to you...Not sure though...
> Mmmh... unfortunately not found! I searched through the archive but
> nothing... :(
> > it's 7AM here and
> > I'm out of
> > coffee...
> eh eh eh thanks again
> - ---
> Cordiali saluti / Best regards
> Andrea Cerrito
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Net.Admin @ Centro MultiMediale di Terni S.p.A.
> P.zzale Bosco 3A
> 05100 Terni IT
> Tel. +39 0744 5441330
> Fax. +39 0744 5441372
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