On Fri, 2001-11-16 at 16:57, Ale wrote:
> I have qmail + vpopmail 5.0 final release and my acount and other accounts 
> that are on a lan and check every 2 minutes, gets password failed in the 
> logs, but not in the email client; the email client (outlook,kmail, pine) 
> checks perfectly. So my answer is... why ive get password failed in the log, 
> when theres no problem in the client side (no boxes with the password failed 
> warning etc). This no affect the dial up users, i dont have logs of it, and 
> the two accoutns that are logged with password failed are in differents lans.
> Sorry for my very poor english...
> Alejandro

Check your email client. Perhaps you have multiple accounts
configured, and one of them has a bad password.

telnet to port 110 and issue the user, pass commands
and see if it shows up in the log. That test eliminates
any email client issues.

Ken Jones

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