
I'm not sure about the returncode's meaning, but I suspect you might be
having an issue with apache+suexec.  vadddomain tends to need to be run as
a privileged user (like root) in order to be successful.  suExec expressly
prohibits scripts from being run as root (unless you've modified the
suExec code, in which case All Bets Are Off).

The next steps I'd suggest:
  -Check your suExec logs and see if there's anything pertaining to the
script you're running
  -Check your regular httpd error logs and see if there's anything related
to the script
  -Try running the script from the command line as the user that you think
it's running as under suExec.

If those three things don't tell you what's happening, send the results
back and we'll go from there.  It's likely you'll need to find an
alternate way to run vadddomain, e.g. on a separate webserver without


On Fri, 23 Nov 2001, Bruno Tinel wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I'm trying to "script" the vadddomain and I always receive a
> returncode=11
> The domain is created under ..../vpopmail/domains/
> and in this directory the only file present is the ".qmail-default"
> Some more information:
> This script,written in perl, is à cgi called from my navigator.
> My apache server runs with suEXEC
> 1° Can someone help?
> 2° where can I find a returncode translation table?
> Thanks for your help,
> Bruno

-- Chris Hardie -----------------------------
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