At 11:49 AM 11/28/01 -0600, Bill Shupp wrote:
>On Wednesday, November 28, 2001, at 11:48 AM, Photocon wrote:
>>I too am having the same problem, and in looking at the permissions I see 
>>that open-smtp in ~/vpopmail/etc/ is owned by root and is a 0 byte file ( 
>>I suspect because its owned by root). In addition, lastauth in each pop 
>>users' directory is also owned by root. Chowning these doesn't make a 
>>difference, as they revert back to root (along with any open-smtp.tmp 
>>file). What's going on?
>Are you running courier-imap with roaming users as well?

Sorry - forgot to include my specs

Im running vpopmail5.0 (upgrade from 4.9.10) with qmail installed as 
described in LWQ. I am not running imap.

I also had the same problem with 4.9.10.... I do have the tcp.smtp file in 
/etc/tcp.smtp and that does update every hour (from the crontab), but I 
dont see attempts to update that either (probably because open-smtp is 
unreadable?). Vpopmail was configured with --enable-tcp.smtp and I have 
verified that it is looking at /etc (not ~/vpopmail/etc/ ) in config.h.

Conrad Hunziker III

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