Recently I posted a question about getting qmailqueue to send mail through a
virus scanner and a spam scanner.  I found a patch that will do just that,
so I thought I'd share it here since there has been a lot of virus talk

I am running Sophos Sweep. They have a pretty good deal for ISPs. I think
for us it worked out to about $.20 per month.  We are more than willing to
pay that for the extra service. The auto updates work well. The spam scanner
I am using is SpamAssassin found at It is very
agressive, and we have had a few legitimate emails get blocked, but it is
VERY effective on spam.  Since Procmail doesn't seem to work well with
Vpopmail, we decided to use QMAILQUEUE to run everything through the
scanners.  This works, but does have the disadvantage that filters are not
customizable per user.  Here is the patch we used to get it to run the two was written by a guy named Kobe Lenjou and posted to the
Spamassassin list. Maybe it will be useful to some of you.


*** qmail-scanner-1.01/qmail-scanner-queue.template     Thu Sep  6 23:12:20
--- qmail-scanner-1.01-pattched/qmail-scanner-queue.template_with_spam  Wed
Nov 21 15:58:32 2001
*** 155,160 ****
--- 155,168 ----
  my $uudecode_binary='UUDECODE_BINARY';
  my $uudecode_pipe='UUDECODE_PIPE';

+ #Kobe SpamAssasin Hack - if $spamcheck is 1 then spamcheck is done
+ my $spamcheck = 1; #Enabled
+ #my $spamcheck = 0; #Disabled
+ my $spamc='/var/qmail/tools/spamc -f ';
+ #These strings will be regexpd against the recieps var
+ my $spam_rec = '<EMAIL: PROTECTED>, <EMAIL: PROTECTED>,,
+ #End of part 1 of 2 of the SpamAssasin hack
  #my ($avp_binary=$fsecure_binary=$inocucmd_binary)=';

*** 325,331 ****
    } else {
    alarm 0;
--- 333,364 ----
    } else {
!     #Mail passed all virus check, now do a spam check
!     if ($spamcheck == 1) {
!         my @spamusers = split(',',$spam_rec);
!         my $spam_var;
!         my $spam_flag = 0;
!         foreach $spam_var (@spamusers) {
!                 $spam_var =~ s/ //mgi;
!                 debug("Spamuser: -".$spam_var."-");
!                 my $spamaddr = ($recips =~ /.*($spam_var).*/mi);
!                 debug("Find?: $spamaddr");
!                 if ($spamaddr == 1) {
!                         $spam_flag = 1;
!                         last;
!                 }
!         }
!         &debug("Recieps: $recips");
!         if ($spam_flag == 1) {
!                 &debug("Now checking message for spam");
!                 &debug("Executing: $spamc <
$scandir/$wmaildir/new/$file_id >
!                 system ("$spamc < $scandir/$wmaildir/new/$file_id >
!                 rename
!         } else {
!                 &debug("Message NOT scanned for spam");
!         }
!      }
    alarm 0;

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