On Wednesday, November 28, 2001, at 01:32 PM, duncan wrote:

> whoops, intended to post to list, not just tren.
> >Trey Nolen wrote:
> >>
> >> Recently I posted a question about getting qmailqueue to send mail
> >> through a
> >> virus scanner and a spam scanner.  I found a patch that will do just
> >> that,so I thought I'd share it here since there has been a lot of
> >> virus talklately.
> Anyone care to write a mini-howto on getting the spam and/or virus
>  scanners in with vpopmail?

qmail-scanner is at the MTA level, so it's not vpopmail specific.  The 
documentation on http://qmail-scanner.sourceforge.net is very clear, and 
I don't think a howto is necessary.



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