Hello Che,

On Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 3:46:53 PM you wrote (at least in part):

CS> Thank You so much you answered a much need question of mine.  How do you
CS> pipe that alias to like nothing, /dev/null.  Thank you.

 $>cat ~alias/.qmail-msglog
 |cat >>/dev/null

But remember: this is _NOT_ a MSGLOG on "per VPOPMAIL-Domain basis" !!!
This is a _general_ double of qmail-queue on a "per computer running qmail
basis" as qmail-queue.c includes the patched extra.h file.
So if you want to use this patch a simple 'cat >>/dev/null' does the same
as not applying the patch. you should at least pipe into a commend, e.g.
for recording message-ids for later tracking it could be 'awk'.
One example shipped with the patch ba Bruce Guenther is this line in

| awk '/^$/ { exit } /^[mM][eE][sS][sS][aA][gG][eE]-/ { print }'

Best Regards
Peter Palmreuther                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.54/10 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

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