Solaris needs a " -R /path/to/various/libs/used " as well as the " -L " that you'll see in the Makefile.  Look through the Makefile and add a " -R /copy/the/-L/paths/into/this/path " to wherever you see a " -L /some/path/to/a/library"
I know this isn't word for word... I'm in a bit of a hurry...  if you don't get it, write back and I'll elaborate.
Chris Bunnell
Senior Engineer - Network Implementation
Avantac Technologies, Inc. - Formerly Sonic Internet Services
9719 Lincoln Village Drive #503
Sacramento, CA. 95827
(916) 854-5940
Powered by Sun.  My other OS is your Linux box.
"While others are dot flopping, we're not stopping."
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 2:17 PM
Subject: [vchkpw] Off the Topic sqwebmail install problems on Solaris 8


I know this is not the correct list for this but I cant seem to find any one on sqwebmail that can help me out with my problem.

I am trying to compile “sqwebmail-” with “vpopmail-5.2” and my configure part goes thru fine without any errors but when I run make I get the following error can any offer some input as to what might be going on?



Here is my configure script

./configure --enable-softtimeout=3600 --with-ispell=/usr/bin/ispell --enable-cgibindir=/apache/cgi-bin --enable-imagedir=/apache/htdocs --without-authpam --without-authuserdb --enable-webpass=no --without-authpwd --without-authshadow --enable-mimetypes=/apache/conf



Here is my error message after running make


ld: fatal: library -lvpopmail: not found

ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to sqwebmail

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

*** Error code 1

make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `sqwebmail'

Current working directory /export/home/installers/sqwebmail-

*** Error code 1

make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all-recursive'

Current working directory /export/home/installers/sqwebmail-

*** Error code 1

make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all-recursive-am'

Current working directory /export/home/installers/sqwebmail-

*** Error code 1

make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all-recursive'




Mike Jimenez

System Administrator

Visual Perspectives Internet, Inc. (VPI.Net)

Tel: (949) 595-8622 -- Fax: (949) 595-8629



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