As I mentioned before, this is a test machine. I deleted all my domains and 
recreated them after the switch. I've only got three test domains anyway.

On Friday 18 October 2002 12:55, tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:
> As far as I remember, many-domains=n and many-domains=y work with different
> tables.
> So, when switching from "n" to "y" you should also convert the database to
> the new format.
> This is one of the switches you select with the first installation, and
> then you never change (usually).
> Tonino
> At 18/10/02 18/10/02 -0400, Matthias Trevarthan wrote:
> >Howdy peeps,
> >
> >I'm testing a new install on a FreeBSD 4.6.2-RELEASE server.
> >
> >I'm running:
> >
> >Qmail
> >
> >vpopmail
> >./configure --enable-roaming-users=y --enable-clear-passwd=y
> >--enable-logging=e --enable-log-name=vpopmail
> > --enable-defaultquota=5000000
> >--enable-mysql-logging=y --enable-mysql=y --enable-valias=y
> >--enable-relay-clear-minutes=30 --enable-md5-passwords=y
> >--enable-large-site=y --enable-ip-alias-domains=y --enable-many-domains=n
> >
> >courier-imap
> >./configure --without-ipv6 --with-trashquota
> >
> >
> >This configuration worked just fine without many-domains=n. But when I
> > added many-domains=n, courier suddenly can't authenticate.
> >
> >Let me repeat myself: The ONLY thing that has changed from a WORKING
> >vpopmail-courier-imap MYSQL install is that I changed many-domains to 'n'.
> >
> >So, my question is, does the authvchkpw module not support multi-table
> >domains?
> >
> >Will I have to rig authmysql authentication for this to work?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >Matthias
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>          Inter@zioni            Interazioni di Antonio Nati
> ------------------------------------------------------------

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