Nice one!

Perfect, it worked. Thanks for the help. Now back to work :)

I'll stay on the list and see if i can be of any help in the future

> It'd probably be better to just recompile vpopmail without clear
> passwords.
> -Clayton
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marco [mailto:marco@;]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 12:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vpop and mysql problems (migration from linux to
> solaris)
> don't mind me, i was just babbling some thoughts earlier without merit.
> I tested my theory by deleting the clear text password in mysql and i
> can still authenticate.
> Anyways, I'm sure it can't hurt to recompiling vpopmail
> with --enable-clear-passwd=n.  For some reason it seems to be trying to
> access that pw_clear_passwd table which doesnt exist.  I really don't
> know why it is trying to access it. a quick hack might be to create the
> pw_clear_passwd field, just to satisfy it being there and see if its
> even gets populated.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "nicholas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 3:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [vchkpw] vpop and mysql problems (migration from linux to
> solaris)
>> Thanks for your answer
>> Do you mean --enable-clear-passwd=n here?
>> Im sure i didnt compile it with yes to clear passwords, and trawling
>> through the database they look pretty encypted to me
>> nicholas
>> > I've wondered about the clear passwords.  Whether or not i compile
>> vpopmail with --enable-clear-passwd=y  it still stores a clear text
>> password.  I was wondering if it does this regardless.  It seems
>> that its trying to pull the password from the pw_clear_password
>> field and not the encrypted one.  My thoughts are maybe vchkpw
>> doesn't even match against the encrypted password, but only matches
>> against the clear text password.
>> >
>> > Any thoughts?
>> >
>> >
>> > ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: "nicholas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 3:39 PM
>> > Subject: [vchkpw] vpop and mysql problems (migration from linux to
>> solaris)
>> >
>> >
>> >> hello all
>> >>
>> >> Having a little problem here, and thought i would seek help.
>> >>
>> >> I have a working vpopmail 5.3.7 on linux with mysql 3.23.32 and
>> qmail, and I want to move the environment over to a solaris box.
>> >> The solaris box is Solaris 8 with vpopmail 5.3.7 and mysql 3.23.42
>> and
>> > qmail.
>> >>
>> >> I compile and install vpopmail with nice options on the solaris
>> box, tar up the relevant /home/vpopmail/domains etc temp user and
>> other stuff (no bin or libs of course) and also copy them across to
>> the solaris machine
>> >>
>> >> Then on the Linux box I do a mysqldump --opt vpopmail >
>> vpopmail.sql and populate the mysql database on the solaris box
>> with vpopmail.sql I connect to the new sql server and check, the
>> data seems there.
>> >>
>> >> but when I telnet to 110 to my new solaris server to see if it all
>> works i get this
>> >>
>> >> user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> ok
>> >> pass xxxxxxxx
>> >> vmysql: sql error[3]: Unknown column 'pw_clear_passwd' in 'field
>> list' -ERR authorization failed
>> >> Connection closed by foreign host
>> >>
>> >> Now, Im not too up on the tables and fields the vpopmail populates
>> in a mysql database but surely for the same version of vpopmail on
>> different OSes, i should have no problem
>> >> Can anyone enlighten me on this error, my SQL needs improving.
>> >>
>> >> Many thanks
>> >>
>> >> nicholas

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