Thanks, now Im sending emails with maildrop with success.., but I still
have some questions:

    1) How can I make a .qmail-default and maildroprc that dinamically
choose the user sender? What I want is to not put a .qmail file to every
user in my domains, but instead justt a .qmail-default in the domain dir...

    2) I have quotas support, but maildrop cant see them, since vdelivermail
is the responsable to do this.. How can I do not loose the vdelivermail
features, but use maildrop filters? Im reading about the seekable patch, and
althougt I applied the patch sucessfully, vdelivermail seens to not see my
emails. Here is my .qmail.default

$ cat .qmail-default
| /usr/local/bin/maildrop ./teste/Maildir/.mailfilter |
/var/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

    Im not getting 'lseek erros' any more, but it seens that vdelivermail
dont do this work :-)

    Thanks in advance.

> Fernando Costa de Almeida writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Im trying to add mail filtering feature to my existent vpopmail setup:
> >
> > 1) vpopmail-5.2
> > 2) sqwebmail-3.3.3
> > 3) maildrop-1.5.0
> > 4) qmailadmin-1.0.4
> > 5) OpenLdap 2.0.27
> >
> > But I always get this error when sending email:
> >
> > delivery 43: deferral: /usr/local/bin/maildrop:_Unable_to_open_mailbox./
> >
> >
> > _____
> > $ cat /usr/local/share/sqwebmail/maildirfilterconfig
> > MAILDIRFILTER=.mailfilter
> > MAILDIR=./Maildir
> >
> > $ cat /var/vpopmail/domains/
> > | /usr/local/bin/maildrop ./teste/Maildir/.mailfilter
> > | /var/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox
> I ran into the same problem.  Try setting MAILDIR=teste/Maildir in
> maildirfilterconfig.  For some reason maildrop looks for "Maildir" folder
> domains/ dir.  Update your filters using sqwebmail or editing
> .mailfilter file.  Then send a test message.
> LanMan

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