I'm using qmail and courier-imap. Currently exploring options for
virtual domains. I've read the FAQ's and INSTALL docs. Still new to all
this, even qmail.

How is doing virtual domains under qmail, courier-imap + userdb as
illustrated by:

Courier-IMAP + Maildrop + QMail + Userdb + Virtual Domains HOWTO

different than using vpopmail? Which is the preferred method. I only
want to use IMAP not POP.

>From the INSTALl doc in courier-imap:


This  authentication  module  is  provided  for  legacy support.  New
installs  should  use the authuserdb module. It is possible to convert
vpopmail/vchkpw   single   userid   authentication   passwd  files  to
/etc/userdb  using  the vchkpw2userdb script. See vchkpw2userdb(8) for
more information.

That seems to imply that using userdb method is better. if that's the
case, what are the advantages of using vpopmail?

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