On Tuesday 14 January 2003 02:23 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Greetings All,
> Sorry if this is slightly OT, but has anyone running
> qmail/vpopmail/mysql/sqwebmail (on RH 7.3 in our case)
> run into a problem with sqwebmail logins after multiple login/logouts?
> We're seeing a situation where if a single user logs into and out of
> sqwebmail more than about 4 times over a short period of time (say 5-10
> minutes), the login screen will start rejecting known good login/passwd
> combos with the error message "invalid userid or password".
> TIA for any and all pointers/suggestions,
> --Duncan

The only thing I can recommend is disableing the authdeamon
for sqwebmail during configuration.

Ken Jones

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