Hi.  I have a problem using quotas on:

Qmail-1.03 + Vpopmail-5.2.1.

My installation is in production, and i look this "bug???". The quota support 
dont be used correcty... For this, detect the error with the sample:

I use vpopmail with qmail, setting quota in vpopmail.

My ./configure parameters of vpopmail:

./configure --enable-qmaildir=/var/qmail \
--enable-vpopuser=vpopmail \
--enable-vpopgroup=vpopmail \
--enable-roaming-users=y \
--enable-tcprules-prog=/usr/local/bin/tcprules \
--enable-relay-clear-minutes=40 \
--enable-auth-logging=y \
--enable-logging=y \
--enable-mysql=y \
--enable-qmail-ext=y \
--enable-incdir=/usr/include \
--enable-libdir=/usr/lib \

I test use --enable-defaultquota and --enable-hardquota, but de problem

The problem with quota, exist when user have a .qmail file, in you 
home directory.

Home: /home/vpopmail/domains/kerne.org/kerne
Maildir: /home/vpopmail/domains/kerne.org/kerne/Maildir/


# /home/vpopmail/bin/vadduser [EMAIL PROTECTED] test
# /home/vpopmail/bin/vsetuserquota [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10000
(10Kb only by test)

# cd /home/vpopmail/domains/kerne.org/kerne

# ls -la

drwx------    3 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 16 19:49 .
drwx------    5 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 15 20:21 ..
drwx------    8 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 16 19:41 Maildir

The (.qmail) file dont exists, then...

# cd Maildir

# ls -la
total 20
drwx------    5 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:55 .
drwx------    3 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:55 ..
drwx------    2 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:55 cur
drwx------    2 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:55 new
drwx------    2 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:55 tm

The file (maildirsize) dont exist too! Then OK!

Send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with 20Kb

OK! This message return:

user is over quota

But.... now a have a problem:

# pwd

# echo "/home/vpopmail/domains/kerne.org/kerne/Maildir/" > .qmail
# chown vpopmail.vpopmail .qmail
# chmod 600 .qmail

# pwd

# ls -la

[root@kerne test]# ls -la
total 16
drwx------    3 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:59 .
drwx------    6 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:55 ..
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vpopmail       53 Jan 17 09:59 .qmail
drwx------    5 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:56 Maildir

OK.. now i have the (.qmail) file to this user... and... i test send
mail with 20Kb. (quota limit=10Kb)

Ouch...  the message delivered to user:

Jan 17 10:00:41 kerne qmail: 1042804841.978560 starting delivery 32: msg 112683 to 
Jan 17 10:00:41 kerne qmail: 1042804841.978666 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
Jan 17 10:00:42 kerne qmail: 1042804842.019061 delivery 32: success: did_0+0+1/
Jan 17 10:00:42 kerne qmail: 1042804842.019194 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

Looking mail:

# pwd

# cd Maildir/new

# ls -la
total 40
drwx------    2 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 10:02 .
drwx------    5 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:56 ..
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vpopmail    30987 Jan 17 10:00 

This messages have 30Kb, but quota limit is 10Kb.

OK.. now.. i remove (.qmail) file of user [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

# pwd

# cd ../../
# pwd

# rm -f .qmail

# ls -la

total 12
drwx------    3 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 10:04 .
drwx------    6 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:55 ..
drwx------    5 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:56 Maildir

OK.. (.qmail) file dont exist, and send new message with 20Kb.

OK ! :-D
Quota now is running... but... (.qmail) in home of user dont exist.


user is over quota

*Looking in Maildir/new

# pwd

# ls -la Maildir/new
total 40
drwx------    2 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 10:02 .
drwx------    5 vpopmail vpopmail     4096 Jan 17 09:56 ..
-rw-------    1 vpopmail vpopmail    30987 Jan 17 10:00 

No new messages delivered... then... quota is running.. but have (.qmail) file.

This is a bug or problem with vpopmail, or (.qmail) files really dont be used ???

Thanks for you attention.

José Roberto Kerne

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