Mahesh, there are a variety of things you'll want to back up.
One of the most important, time consuming, and disk hogging, will
be the mail storage. This is usually located under /home/vpopmail/domains. If you're running a backend database for
authentication, you'll also want to back that up. If you arent,
the authentication files will be backed up when you tar the domains
directory. You will also want to back up qmail's control files,
and the qmail's user directory. There might be more depending upon
your system, but that should get the stuff that's critical.

Mahesh wrote:
Hi Peter

I know how take file system backup by useing dump , tar etc., but i want to know that there is a possiblity to excat data backup for all domain . pleae


Hello Mahesh,

On Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 7:37:04 AM you wrote (at least in

> I am useing vqmail+vpopmal+sqwebmail, it is running fine i am
> satisfy with this but, i don't know how to take back, to take back
> we have migrate mysql or we have to take entair file system backup ,
> if it is require to migrate mysql database , Please guide me any one

Please search the archive for "backup", it's been answered a dozens
Best regards
Peter Palmreuther

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