I have installed qmail+vpopmail ,bur have a problem.

1. qmai-inject and smtp-deamon inject mails into and look for mailboxes in
2.Vpopmail tries to pop the mail from
3.When I manually copy the content of $HOMEDIR/Maildir to
/home/vpopmail/domains/mydomain.com.tr/myusername/Maildir, the pop client
sees all the mail in the mailbox but unable to read them.
4.qmail-inject sends mail to outside world succesfully.
5.When qmail gets an e-mail for an acccount who has'nt got  a homedir (even
if he  has a Mailbox in home/vpopmail/domains/mydomain.com.tr/myusername/)
qmail deamon returns the 

Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1) 
error message.
I think , qmail and vpopmail are not agree on the place of the Maildirs..
Help is appreciated..


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