Looks fine to me :0

-- Remo Mattei   --cell 801-209-8554
       Freelance Networking-Security/Consultant
       MCSE, MCP, MCP+I, MCT
       Linux Trainer & Firewall Development

> From: "Jonas Thomsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: JT-COM
> Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2003 18:16:17 +0200
> Subject: [vchkpw] Bug in vconvert?
> Hi all!
> I've just migrated from vpopmail 5.2.1 using CDB to vpopmail 5.3.20
> using MySql. During this migration I discovered a small bug in vconvert.
> When running 'vconvert -c -m', vconvert reads the
> /var/qmail/users/assign file, which on my system ends with a line
> containing a ".\n" When vconvert reaches this line, the check for
> tmpbuf[1] != '\n' in line 120 fails, but this does not stop the next
> line (conv_domain( &tmpbuf[1] )) from being executed. Of course this
> does not work - it tries to convert a domain called "\n". My fix is the
> following code:
> if ( tmpbuf[1] != '\n' ) {
>  printf("converting %s ...", &tmpbuf[1] );
>       if ( conv_domain( &tmpbuf[1] ) != 0 ) {
>           printf("domain conversion failed\n");
>       } else {
>           printf("done\n");
>       }
> }
> Is there a problem with this fix?
> Kind regards
> Jonas Thomsen,
> Eugen Warmings Vej 37, 1. th. - DK-8000 Aarhus C.
> Tlf. +45 87 30 16 10 - Fax: +45 87 30 16 11
> http://www.jt-com.dk

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