
Debian Woody.  Qmail, 1.03, Vpopmail 5.2.1

Installed vpopmail from source.  Compile, make, make
install-strip go without problem. Testing with telnet
does all the right things then,

pass password

/usr/sbin/vchkpw: error while loading shared
libraries: libvpopmail.so.1: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory -ERR authorization
failed. Connection closed by foreign host.


The shared library file does not exist on the system.
Debian do a pkg which installs it, ( but that is an
older version, unstable, and not compatible with the
source install ) .. so, if this isn't used, where does
this shared library file come from?  

Should it be installed by the vpopmail source? If not,
Where the blazes does it come from??



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