I am not sure who to send these updates to.  I remember seeing last week on the mailing list that you were looking for a new look for qmailadmin and that you weren’t very good at HTML.  I am not sure who posted it, so I am writing in to find the right person to submit the changes to.  My business partner and I redesigned the interface for qmailadmin and we wanted to submit our changes to the developers to see if they would like to use them.


The changes consist of New upto date XP style of graphics and icons.  Roll overs on buttons, and much more.  We pulled the main control links out of the graphical shell so qmail admin could easily be used in an iframe and be modified to match internal systems.  The navigation is no longer surrounded by a graphical shell.  This new look is great and we just wanted to share it with the qmailadmin team.  My partner is a great graphics designer and at the least you guys should have a look.


Please let me know who I need to send the changes to.  I have all the source we modified files zipped  and ready to go.


Thanks all! 


Justin C.


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