> > > Three questions:
> > > 1. have you checked to make sure that `hostname --fqdn` returns your
> > > domain name?
> >
> > Yes, it returns the hostname of my Server but the domain name
> > is not a virtual
> > host...  should it be that?
> No, shouldn't matter.
> > > 2. Did you apply the smtp-auth patch to qmail before running make?
> >
> > Yes, i use Gentoo-Linux and the Patch is inluded and qmail should be
> > patched... I have thought that it could the problem already.
> OK.  Had to ask, anyway.  I'm not familiar with Gentoo.
> > > 3. Are you sure that the path to vchkpw is /var/vpopmail/bin and not
> > > /home/vpopmail/bin?  I think that the default install directory for
> > > vpopmail is in /home.
> >
> > Yes, thats right but in Gentoo they have changed the path
> > from /home/vpopmail
> > to /var/vpopmail. I have checked that and vchkpw is in this path.
> Figured as much.
> > Is my solution possible?
> It should be.  How are you deducing that amtp-auth is not working?
> What have you tried?

Yes that is it ..
you may have tried it from telnet <fqdn> 25
but .. it should need a encripted password ...
better try with Outlook or so ...
also send the Telnet out put ....
Also .. to the List Guys .. is there any problem with vpopmail to be used
for smpt auth .....  [i mean some open relay probelm in any of the versions
of vpopmail]


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